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February 29, 1936: FDR signed amended neutrality resolution. “This amendement prohibited loans or credits to belligerents, but a ‘Monroe Doctrine’ clause exempted american nations engaged in war with nations outside the western hemisphere.”

Statement by The President regarding Neutrality in the Italy-Ethiopia Conflict.


Did you know…..

  • On February 23, 1942, FDR made a fireside chat on war progress. During this fireside chat, a Japanese submarine surfaced off Golata, CA, and shelled an oil refinery.
  • On February 28, 1945, FDR returned from his trip to Yalta. During his time in office, FDR made 24 trips outside of the U.S., visiting 19 countries. He traveled outside the U.S. more than any president before him.

February 25, 1952

“KARACHI, Pakistan, Sunday…The All-Pakistan Women’s Association showed me also a small maternity clinic which they started in a refugee camp under considerable difficulties, since water in the area is only turned on for two hours in the morning and two at night and they have no running water as yet in the clinic. They have no electricity, so that if they have night cases they must use lamps. But the conditions certainly are better than in the refugee huts, for they are clean and sanitary. In this same maternity center, all children of that area of refugees come in with cups every morning and get a spoonful of cod liver oil and a cup of milk.

We visited another camp of refugees a little later where I thought conditions were particularly bad. They had animals right in with them—goats, sheep, chickens and cows, all tied to the door or staked down and scratching around in the sand. The smell in some parts was not very pleasant and the flies were something beyond description. These conditions are what make the health problem so difficult at the present time, but I must say the women are valiantly struggling to do their share in meeting the problems.

Friday afternoon I saw a demonstration of the activities of the Pakistan Women’s National Reserve and National Guard. They paraded for us, did exercises, and demonstrated the work of their various branches in civil defense by simulating an air raid. They are trained in clerical work, nursing, fire fighting and self-defense. While the work seemed to me as yet not very professional, it is of great value to get it started.

I’ve seen schools which the women have started for refugee children, and it seems to me the teachers are doing a wonderful job. I’ve also visited industrial centers and shops were cottage industries sell their products. All this is again the work of women.

In the evening I addressed a group of university students at the YMCA and later attended a dinner given by the Pakistan United Nations Association. It was indeed gratifying to see what an active association there is here and to know that they observe United Nations Day and are actively trying to promote knowledge of the work of the United Nations.”

Click here for the complete My Day article.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Film: Sunrise at Campobello
Location: Henry A. Wallace Center
Time: 1:00 p.m.

The FDR Presidential Library will screen Sunrise at Campobello (1960) at 1:00 p.m. on February 19. Dore Schary’s Sunrise at Campobello is the story of Franklin Roosevelt’s bout with polio and how his family and close friends coped with his illness. This Academy Award-nominated biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt spans from when he was stricken with polio to his presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention. The story follows the various influences on his life and his determination to recover. It is based on Dore Schary’s award-winning Broadway play of the same name.

Documents on Display: Presidential Autographs
Location: Henry A. Wallace Center
Time: 2:30 p.m.

Following the film the Library will display original documents from the Roosevelt Library archives bearing the signatures of many of our nation’s President’s including: Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy. Twenty-eight signatures will be on display — most of which were collected by Franklin Roosevelt himself. There will also be a video presentation and family-friendly activities relating to presidential history.

Free public event. For information call (845) 486-7745.

February 19, 1942: The Tuskegee Airmen, the Army Air Corps’ all African American 100th Pursuit Squadron was activated at Tuskegee Institute.

Eleanor Roosevelt at the Tuskegee Institute.
March 29, 1941
FDR Library Photo Collection. NPx 48-22:3724(138)


Did you know…..

  • On February 15, 1933, there was an assassination attempt on then President-Elect Roosevelt in Miami, FL.

February 18, 1960

“NEW YORK—Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev took the opportunity of his visit to India to attack foreign aid given by the United States as being purely selfish, whereas that given by the Soviet Union is, by implication, unselfish.

As a matter of fact, foreign aid given by any nation is never totally unselfish, because helping a nation to improve its economic condition means that that nation will produce something that is salable and, therefore, become a better market for the goods of some other nation. This means a better economic world atmosphere and is much to be desired by all nations.

Mr. Khrushchev also spoke slightingly of the new idea of several nations joining together to give foreign aid. Yet, this is a much more unselfish way of giving aid and is designed to give the country receiving the aid more sense of security, because then no one nation can be accused of attempting to dominate.

Mr. Khrushchev should understand that his remark, “If aid is to be rendered, we will render it ourselves,” will not be too reassuring to those nations that are rather hopeful of keeping themselves not only politically but economically free from the domination of any foreign nation. Also, his slighting remark about United Nations aid will not be acceptable in India, I believe, for India is very conscious of the value of work done by various of the U.N. specialized agencies.

President Eisenhower’s message asking our Congress for a foreign aid appropriation called for half the aid to be of a military kind, the other half economic aid.

I always question the value of military aid, though the assurance that this aid is given to strengthen other nations against possible Communist attack has an attractive sound for our Congress.

In reality I greatly doubt whether any nation receiving aid of a military kind could stand up long against a Communist attack, but I realize the advantage of having much of this money spent in this country, since it will relieve us of arms that have already, for us, become obsolete…”

Click here for the complete My Day article.

Register now for our Eleanor Roosevelt “We Make Our Own History” Forums on February 13th & March 27th.

The first forum, featuring Paula J. Giddings, author of IDA: A SWORD AMONG LIONS: Ida B. Wells and the Campaign Against Lynching, is on February 13, 2011 in commemoration of African American History Month. The forum will begin at 2:00 p.m. in the Henry A. Wallace Center at the FDR Presidential Library and Home and will include a book talk, signing and reception.

The second forum, featuring Maurine H. Beasley, author of ELEANOR ROOSEVELT: Transformative First Lady, will be held on March 27, 2011 in honor of Women’s History Month. The forum will also begin at 2:00 p.m. in the Henry A. Wallace Center at the FDR Presidential Library and Home and will include a book talk, signing and reception.

Pre-registration and admission fee required. See the invitation for prices and details. Both titles will be available for purchase in the New Deal Store. Call (845) 486-7745 for registration information.
Proceeds benefit the Catharine Street Community Center in Poughkeepsie, New York and the education programs of Roosevelt Library.

February 9, 1935: FDR addressed the Boy Scout of America 25th Anniversary by radio.



Did you know…..

  • On February 8, 1933, Roosevelt was officially elected president for his first term


February 9, 1948

“HYDE PARK, Sunday—I went to speak for one of the Y.M.C.A. groups at New York University Medical College late Friday afternoon, and I was interested to see that a good cross section of our New York City population was represented in the audience. There were Protestants, Catholics and Jews, as well as boys of many racial strains, including Negroes. It was easy to talk to them about human rights and the United Nations, for many of them knew, either from personal experience or through affiliations with different people, what the abrogation of human rights means to any group of people.

In this connection I would like to say a word about the reception accorded by a group of Southern Democratic Senators and Representatives to the President’s message sent with the report of his Committee on Civil Liberties. Anyone who has worked in the international field knows well that our failure in race relations in this country, and our open discrimination against various groups, injures our leadership in the world. It is the one point which can be attacked and to which the representatives of the United States have no answer.

I wish these Southern gentlemen had a little more faith in the white race and believed that we were capable of associating with and doing justice to another race without of necessity being swallowed up by that race. It seems to me that this hue and cry on the subject of segregation is nothing but an expression of fear. This fear is more understandable in the South, where in certain areas a larger section of the population is colored. Yet if proper conditions existed and there was equal opportunity for education, for economic security and for decent living, there need be no fear. It is because we do not grant civil and economic rights on an equal basis that there is any real reason for fear.

There can be no real democracy where 15,000,000 people feel that they are discriminated against and cannot live on equal terms with their neighbors. Neither will there be real unity in this country until we conquer our prejudices. All of us have them in one form or another, but the time has come when the fight must be made by each one of us to live at home in a way which will make it possible to live peacefully in the world as a whole…”

Click here for the complete My Day article.

February 2, 1938

“WASHINGTON, Tuesday—We had movies for ten very well-behaved children yesterday afternoon. I decided the industry has learned how to appeal to the young, for even the one-and-half year old children sat perfectly quiet for three-quarters of an hour. I learned another lesson, and that is children do not consider they have received a present unless it is wrapped up in paper and tied with ribbon.

Because the children were small, I thought it would be less confusing if I placed a small gift at each place around the supper table. One little girl held hers in her hand, turned around and demanded a present. It was not until her aunt put it into an envelope and tied it, that she was content and seemed to consider it a gift.

I should have had sense enough to realize this, for I know that the outer wrappings are always half the fun of what I receive. We so often make the mistake of thinking children are different than we are, when, in reality, they react in much the same way we do to the pleasures and pains of life…”

Click here for the complete My Day article.

February 4 – 11, 1945: FDR meets with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin at the Yalta Conference to discuss post-war ideas and the United Nations.

Roosevelt is pictured in a jeep at Saki Airfield on his way to Yalta for the conference with Churchill and Stalin. FDR is speaking to Special Assistant Harry L. Hopkins. L-R: U.S. Secretary of State Edward Stettinius, Soviet Foreign Minister Vyachslav Molotov, Harry L. Hopkins, FDR.
February 3, 1945
FDR Library Photo Collection. NPx. 73-200:2

Roosevelt is pictured with Stalin during his first call on the President upon his arrival at Livadia Palace in Yalta. L-R: Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt
February 4, 1945
FDR Library Photo Collection. NPx 48-22:3659(45)

Roosevelt is pictured with Churchill and Stalin at the Livadia Palace during the Yalta Conference. L-R: Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin.
February 9, 1945
FDR Library Photo Collection. NPx. 48-22:3659(66)



Did you know…..

  • President Roosevelt was the first president who visited Russia while in office.

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